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Guide to Mobile Communications Capture

Guide to Mobile

Evolving generations have shifted the collective mindset toward immediacy when it comes to everyday interactions. Millennial and Gen-Z workers and customers are choosing to text or chat rather than send an email, impacting — and changing — overall business communications.

With mobile devices being integral to business, regulated organizations need to ensure their mobile strategy has a modern approach to compliance. They must have the ability to enforce policies and meet regulatory requirements governing the capture of digital communications.

In this brief, you’ll learn:

  • The benefits of enabling mobile communications
  • The unique challenges of capturing mobile content
  • Mobile technology risks in regulated industries
  • Five steps to mitigating mobile risks
  • The keys to simplifying your firm’s mobile compliance strategy

Get the brief to learn how to enable mobile communications capture and supervision.


Regulations & Compliance
Information Capture
Archiving & e-Discovery

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